While itโs extremely important to establish good oral care habits at home, your home dental care doesnโt replace professional checkups or cleanings. Both are needed to help you maintain healthy teeth and a bright and beautiful smile. Routine dental cleanings go hand in hand with home oral care to keep your teeth looking their best year after year. You can schedule bi-annual teeth cleanings at Albrecht Dentistry, West Bend, Wisconsin.
Routine checkups and cleanings help prevent dental issues to keep your teeth healthy long-term. Regular checkups enable Dr. James (Jim) Albrecht to spot problems early before they get out of hand and cause severe damage to your gums and teeth. Routine cleaning helps prevent problems in the first place by keeping your teeth plaque- and tartar-free. Through routine checkups and cleanings, you can avoid problems such as:
Teeth cleanings are an essential part of preventive dental care. We recommend you schedule bi-annual teeth cleanings to keep your smile in great shape all year round.
A healthy mouth is one of the greatest benefits of routine dental cleanings. During a routine cleaning, Dr. Albrecht removes all plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria from your gums and teeth to leave them squeaky clean. Professional cleanings also eliminate surface stains that can cause your teeth to appear dull and cloudy. Finally, weโll polish your teeth to bring out their true beauty. By taking time in your busy schedule for bi-annual dental cleanings, you can benefit from:
A beautiful smile can make you a happier, more confident individual as youโll feel better about your appearance.
Make your pearly whites your best feature with routine dental cleaning. To schedule a checkup and cleaning at our West Bend, Wisconsin clinic, contact Dr. James (Jim) Albrecht from Albrecht Dentistry at (262) 357-6622.